Monday, June 14, 2010

Once a year surprise.

Honestly I hate this one. It's not finished and is poorly made. The photo is one of me that I traced along the edge to delete the background which took most of my time being that I was in a tree as well as cut off my head. Once I changed the picture into black and white I burned more contrasts into the shadow's of the image. I dodged more of the lights and took away some weird aspects of the image.

In Illustrator I created that surprise face than used a screen shot of it to upload onto photoshop. After deleting the white background I moved it into place and scaling it up to make it around the right size and position. The background was the worst being that I kept having to restart it and go through many different patterns before deciding on this one. Then I stretched and warped it to make it took the way it does now. 

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