Monday, June 14, 2010

Dead Yet Still Breathing

Though the big rectangle is showing (which ruins it) I thought this was a good banner though the text moves a little to fast to let the person interested in it read it. This is a banner for my other book (Dead Yet Still Breathing). It was a lot of fun to make and I thought that the statues at the end really help make the piece look better.

flying but not free.

This was really fun and my favorite project. I just winged the entire flash document and it turned out great and fun.

Makings of something great.

I thought this would work with the name of my book I am working on as well as the logo that I made previously. I wanted to fill it in with the aproprite text but I didn't have time. Finding a method to linking the pages together, the making of this was actually relitivaly fast. Thses are only 2 of the 5 links. 

In the night of the jungle

This was a weird one. As you can tell the font is hard to read and the most vivid part was grass. This I thought was a cool font but sucked with a black background. It was fun to make but I'm not happy with the out come. I think this would look a lot better with either a moss green to dull lime green gradual change between the colors. 

A snowy day

Another version of as of the logo assignment. I like the fog on the best but this is my second favorite of the three. I thought that the ice looking effect would fit well with the title. 

Swimming in the abyss.

This was a assignment. I enjoyed looking scuba pictures up on the web and making them fit together on these pages. I tried to make each page to be in a unique layout but the last one I thought it would be better if the page matched the one before it. The is because I want it to be more unified with the rest of the pages. The only hard spot was the cover page where the opacity and the gradient wouldn't work making the image look gray. But I tried to make it look nice none-the-less. 

Once a year surprise.

Honestly I hate this one. It's not finished and is poorly made. The photo is one of me that I traced along the edge to delete the background which took most of my time being that I was in a tree as well as cut off my head. Once I changed the picture into black and white I burned more contrasts into the shadow's of the image. I dodged more of the lights and took away some weird aspects of the image.

In Illustrator I created that surprise face than used a screen shot of it to upload onto photoshop. After deleting the white background I moved it into place and scaling it up to make it around the right size and position. The background was the worst being that I kept having to restart it and go through many different patterns before deciding on this one. Then I stretched and warped it to make it took the way it does now. 

Scavenger hunt through time.

This was really simple and easy to make. I just copy and pasted all the info onto the document and used the space key to move font to the right. "Lip Dub" was a series of layers (one for each letter) that I transformed to rotate them creating a tumbling effect. The text underneath the "Lip Dub" I warped to make it curve in odd angles. The two glares are identical, one is just flipped over horizontally and vertically. 

Roaming amongst the cascading leaves.

These bunnies were a lot of fun to make and were relatively complex. I started with the green bunny than moved on to the blue bunny. Between the two the arms, ears, and the blue bunny's dress were the hardest part. I was highly frustrated with the blue bunny but in the end it turned out all right. 

Sweetness of Sorrow

The Sweetness of Sorrow is actually the name of a book that I wish to finish and publish. Being that it's long and has many curves/twists I thought it would make great logo. In this image I would have to say that the butterfly was the hardest what with the opacity and outlining being all funky. The fog was simply annoying, though that was mainly because I repeatedly placing multiply images on the same layer. All in all it was a great learning experience and I am happy with how it turned out. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fall Sunset.

This project was a lot of fun with both shooting the pictures as well as creating it. With the background i took a brick "fill in" and changed the opacity to a low presentage in order to get that faint reddish pink color in the back. Than just took brushes and placed a scene of a meadow in the back. The name Fall Sunset, came from a photo that a student took which is located right next to my computer. It is a dark photo with red leaves on the ground and near the camera lence with the sun peeking through the tree's. I would have to say that the hardest part would be the people themselves. tracing around them and going around the edges to make sure nothing was there that wasn't the person (the background for the four photos were littered with objects and were complicated. It was just a pain to get rid of.) Finally i just stuck them together to make this and the easiest part by far was the barcode. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Roaming pig filled to the brim with blue.

This image was originally a picture of a piggy bank that I turned into a blue cartoon version. Thought It took forever to get the colors right and the lines to run, curve, and turn the right way while looking realistic, I had fun making this pig. It was hard yes but I'm happy with the end result.