Monday, June 14, 2010

Dead Yet Still Breathing

Though the big rectangle is showing (which ruins it) I thought this was a good banner though the text moves a little to fast to let the person interested in it read it. This is a banner for my other book (Dead Yet Still Breathing). It was a lot of fun to make and I thought that the statues at the end really help make the piece look better.

flying but not free.

This was really fun and my favorite project. I just winged the entire flash document and it turned out great and fun.

Makings of something great.

I thought this would work with the name of my book I am working on as well as the logo that I made previously. I wanted to fill it in with the aproprite text but I didn't have time. Finding a method to linking the pages together, the making of this was actually relitivaly fast. Thses are only 2 of the 5 links. 

In the night of the jungle

This was a weird one. As you can tell the font is hard to read and the most vivid part was grass. This I thought was a cool font but sucked with a black background. It was fun to make but I'm not happy with the out come. I think this would look a lot better with either a moss green to dull lime green gradual change between the colors. 

A snowy day

Another version of as of the logo assignment. I like the fog on the best but this is my second favorite of the three. I thought that the ice looking effect would fit well with the title. 

Swimming in the abyss.

This was a assignment. I enjoyed looking scuba pictures up on the web and making them fit together on these pages. I tried to make each page to be in a unique layout but the last one I thought it would be better if the page matched the one before it. The is because I want it to be more unified with the rest of the pages. The only hard spot was the cover page where the opacity and the gradient wouldn't work making the image look gray. But I tried to make it look nice none-the-less.